Terms of Sales


These general conditions define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the remote reservation of services offered by the Traitsanes establishment on its Site and its mobile Services.

They govern all the steps necessary for the reservation and the monitoring of the reservation between the contracting parties.

Any reservation therefore implies full and unreserved acceptance by the customer of these conditions.

Every client acknowledges having the capacity to contract, that is to say having the legal age of majority and not being under curatorship or guardianship.

The names “Traitsanes” and “site” refer throughout this text to the site named and corresponding to the domain name available at

These general conditions of sale apply to all reservations made online, via the Website or the Mobile Services and its partners.

In any event, the version of the general conditions of sale enforceable against the customer is that in force at the time of their reservation on the Website or the Mobile Services or with its partners.